This photo depicts the old World and Tribune buildings as seen from City Hall Square. These buildings were demolished in 1955 in order to expand the entrance to the Brooklyn Bridge.
The Spaniard was mobbed by fans as he enjoyed an afternoon stroll along Old Hall Street, in the city centre.
The data come from an epidemiological study called the Moli-sani Project, which selected men and women at least 35 years old randomly from city hall registries in southern Italy.
数据来自于一项名为Moli - sani的流行病学研究,这项研究从意大利南部市政厅已注册人员中随机挑选了一些年龄在35岁以上的男性和女性。
The clock pictured above, of the same era, is mounted on Old Town City Hall wall in Prague's Old Town Square and has some parts that date from 1410.
There is an old joke about a person, lost on the street. He turns to a stranger and says, 'Please, how do I get to the city hall?
In the new town hall of Tallinn the ceiling will be a real overview of the city both old and new.
3: Wife with Mikey :Marital commitment daunts Mike (Michael J. Fox), who backs out of his engagement and backs into his old post at City Hall, much to the chagrin of Charlie.
3: Wife with Mikey :Marital commitment daunts Mike (Michael J. Fox), who backs out of his engagement and backs into his old post at City Hall, much to the chagrin of Charlie.