The Foreign Secretary is currently having talks with his opposite number in the White House.
Aside from some twists of barbed wire, a tall (and now cracked and pock-marked) surrounding wall, number 25 is not much different from the largish houses across the potato fields opposite.
The gathering, hosted by David Miliband, Britain's foreign secretary, and his Afghan opposite number, will concentrate on security in Afghanistan and plans to tackle endemic corruption.
Meanwhile, Bart Cas, his opposite number at Pepsi, went for a run on the Brooklyn Bridge.
In this case, they reasoned, the number of galaxies that rotate clockwise and those that are "twisted" in the opposite direction, would be the same.
Professor Southwood has put together the joint initiative with his opposite number at Nasa, Dr Ed Weiler.
The choice in January of Theresa May to be his opposite number was criticised.
一月份Theresa May选择与之对立,而遭批评。
In general, the goal of acting opposite is to decrease the number of mood-dependent behaviors we are engaging in.
Grant was able to outmaneuver and subsequently defeat his opposite number, though he maintained the reverence he held for Dodonna.
Flat roofs are framed in essentially the same way AS wood floors. a number of ceiling (or roof) joists run from one wall to the opposite wall.
So, your own MCs must make sure that their opposite number don't get the chance to wreak havoc.
The two helical nanofibers have absolutely opposite helical senses, but have identical cycle number, coil diameter, coil length, coil pitch, fiber diameter, and fiber cross section.
Sir Alex is a confirmed admirer of Pardew and believes his opposite number can take much credit for the Magpies' current healthy position.
She's my opposite number in the company's New York office.
Two rivals stand opposite each other and feint, lunge, parry and riposte until one scores the required number of hits to win.
The aim of the game is to help your jammer lap the highest number of blockers on the opposite team.
They each paired up with their opposite number from the other school, to exchange ideas.
Take the same number bus in the opposite direction, and change to a No. 7 bus.
Conversely, a negative correlation represents opposite movements with a smaller (more negative) number representing a stronger relationship between the opposite movements.
Others argue that the opposite is true. There is probably some truth to both arguments, but emission controls must be instituted regardless of the number of vehicles.
Those who insist on opposite views to the "right of domain name" are very careful and small in number.
Blanc missed the final as a result and Bilic was widely criticised for play-acting, but Blanc said he would not avoid a handshake with his opposite number.
Britain, which has proportionately about the same number of MPs as Canada, is moving in the opposite direction.
The IC receives ascending input from a number of auditory nuclei in the lower brainstem. Moreover, it receives crossed input from the opposite IC and descending input from auditory cortex.
So we would expect that each arm would have the same number of adverse events if those adverse events are related to the baseline risk factors. We found exactly the opposite.
Between the two type deck sections, the trend of mean drag coefficient varying with Reynolds number is opposite to each other, which challenges the traditional opinion on the blunt section;
Between the two type deck sections, the trend of mean drag coefficient varying with Reynolds number is opposite to each other, which challenges the traditional opinion on the blunt section;