As long as the heart is the distance, Jiang Sheng quest will certainly reach the other side of hope.
But as in a nasty divorce, the parties seem willing to accept embarrassing disclosures about their own conduct in the hope of humiliating the other side more.
This time of year, blessings will flock to you like the ocean, I hope my blessings like a leaf boat, carrying you ride the wind and waves, at the success of the other side!
New year's Day blessing: this time of year, blessing will flock to you like the ocean, I hope that my wishes as a leaf boat, set your wind and waves to reach the other side of success!
If you give other in part peachblossom hyacinth, representing you to hope to get the fragrant heart of the other side!
I would choose to tell each other without reservation, but also hope that he can tell me the side of the past.
This time of year, blessings will flock to you like the ocean, I hope my blessings like a leaf vessel containing the winds and waves you reach the other side of success!
So there's hope of success, to Earth, one step at a time toward their dreams than the other side go ahead.
Friends sincerely hope these words can find their direction and momentum, I wish we dashed to the other side of success!
Friends sincerely hope these words can find their direction and momentum, I wish we dashed to the other side of success!