The work is published this week in the Oxford University Press journal Cerebral Cortex.
In September the Oxford University Press brought out the first isiZulu-English dictionary in more than 40 years.
For further enquiries, please contact the Oxford University Press Educational Marketing Department on 2516 3279.
如有查询,请致电2516 3279牛津大学出版社市务部联络。
With the weekly post I’ve been doing at the Oxford University Press blog plus podictionary weekly that made for seven podcasts every week.
It was not until 1585, when the Earl of Leicester, Robert Dudley reestablished the Oxford University Press, the situation didn't take a turn for the better.
The Oxford University Press opened its first branch in New York in 1896, then in India, Africa, and Australia successively. Eventually, it moved into international markets.
Since the classic Oxford English dictionary was published more than a century ago, the Oxford University Press (OUP) has been the most prestigious dictionary publisher in the world.
The 3rd edition of the Oxford English Dictionary may never appear in print, and will probably only exist online when it is completed by 2037, announced by the Oxford University Press Sunday.
The strategic plan also outlined the need to improve alumni and philanthropic fundraising to supplement earnings from other commercial activities such as licensing and the Oxford University Press.
I discuss many of these in all my books, but most specifically at the beginning of my book Decision Making and Rationality in the Modern World (Oxford University Press).
Do a quick test, such as the quick Placement test produced by Oxford University press?
做个快速测验,例如牛津大学出版社出版的QUICKPLACEMENT TEST(快速编班测试)。
Now the two have put their thoughts into a book, "the Broken Branch: How Congress Is Failing America and How to Get it Back on Track" (Oxford University Press).
The second volume of "Philosophers," with more than 100 portraits, will be published by Oxford University Press in May 2011.
The second volume of “Philosophers, ” with more than 100 portraits, will be published by Oxford University Press in May 2011.
Oxford University Press said it rushed publication after worried parents, teachers and librarians struggled to answer children's questions in the wake of the September 11 attacks.
"Apple is consciously skipping the e-book market," said Evan R. Schnittman, vice President for business development and rights at Oxford University Press. "I think it's pretty significant."
牛津大学出版社业务开发和版权副总裁Evan R . Schnittman说:“苹果是有意放弃电子书市场,但我认为这一市场很重要。”
The Concise Oxford Dictionary (Oxford University Press, 2001) has no less than seven definitions of the noun "model."
简明牛津词典(牛津大学出版社,2001)关于名词“model”至少有7 种以上的定义。
Strangely, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology seems to agree with Brewer’s and not with the OED—it’s fellow Oxford University Press publication, in blaming galoshes on the Gauls.
Swanson first argued for the distributed model of the brain in his acclaimed book brain Architecture: Understanding the Basic Plan (Oxford University Press, 2003).
斯旺森在他的著名的《脑:了解基本计划》一书中(BrainArchitecture: Understandingthe Basic Plan,牛津大学出版社,2003)首次描述了大脑结构的分布式模型。
The dictionary was published by Oxford University Press.
Oxford University press is regarded as the largest press in the world.
Shakespeare, william. the winter 's tale. edited by Stephen orgel. New York: Oxford University press, 1996.
Oxford dictionary MAC version is published by Oxford University press a variety of English dictionary referred to, is the representative of the English language dictionary.
"The dictionary reflects the way the language has changed over the last few years," Catherine Soanes, head of online dictionaries at Oxford University Press, tells TIME.
Davenport, t. information Ecology: Mastering the information and Knowledge Environment. Oxford University Press, 1997. a thought-provoking book on information written from a conceptual perspective.
The press history of Oxford University began a misprint: Mr. Rood forgot a Roman numeral x, which was mis-dated in Roman numerals as "1468".
The press history of Oxford University began a misprint: Mr. Rood forgot a Roman numeral x, which was mis-dated in Roman numerals as "1468".