The oxides of nitrogen can have deleterious effects on materials, vegetation, and animal and human life.
In the lower atmosphere the oxides of nitrogen add to an increase in ozone and small particles, which can cause respiratory ailments.
During the nights, not only were the concentrations of ozone, nitrogen oxides and other gases measured by this plane, but also, almost as an afterthought, the intensity of the light from below.
The research focuses on a specific form of nitrogen oxides present only at night — during the day it is broken down by even the faintest sunlight.
The nitrogen Deoxo Vessel contains a fixed bed of free copper catalyst which removes oxygen from the nitrogen stream by oxidation of copper to copper oxides.
Nitrogen oxides releases directly by supersonic aircraft into the stratosphere contribute directly to the depletion of the ozone layer.
Two pollutants cause most of the problem: oxides of nitrogen, which damage the lungs, and fine particulates, which are also carcinogenic.
This occurs naturally by the action of certain soil bacteria on the nitrogen in atmosphere, and the conversion of atmospheric nitrogen to its oxides by lightning.
Nitrogen oxides pollution status in coal-fired power plant of China is analyzed, which mainly brings about air pollution, and 70% of the discharged comes from the direct combustion of coal.
Oxides of carbon, sulfur, nitrogen and halogens are serious environmental pollutants produced by the productive and social activities of humans.
During the combustion process of coal, the nitrogen element in coal may turn to various oxides of nitrogen, thereby, resulting in ambient pollution.
The spatial configurations and bonding effects of Oxides of Nitrogen were explained by using the Valence-shell Electron Repulsion Theory, Hybrid-orbital Theory and Molecular orbital Theory.
It will also combine with oxygen to form oxides of nitrogen and, when combined with hydrogen in the presence of catalysts, will form ammonia.
They are caused by nitrogen oxides from power stations that catalyse the formation of ozone in warm and sunny conditions.
Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are the main gas emissions of the smoke and waste gas.
The absorption of nitrogen oxides finished within only 20 minutes.
Motor vehicles are the primary source of several important air pollutants: carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds, and nitrogen oxides.
Catalytic converters reduce carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, and volatile organic compounds in emissions and necessitated the use of lead-free fuel.
Begins with the formation mechanism of nitrogen oxides, by analyzing the equation and conditions, the main affects of nitrogen oxides 'formation is put forward, i. e. temperature and oxygen content.
Now the monitoring method of nitrogen oxides in fitful process exhaust can't obtain satisfactional accurate outcome.
Realistically, the best way to counter this is to reduce our production of both ozone and nitrogen oxides from industrial and personal processes.
Nukes made 20 percent. in addition, nuclear fission differs from the burning of fossil fuel in that it produces neither sulfur dioxide nor nitrogen oxides, the pollutants that cause acid rain.
The paper presents the basic principle on the removal of nitrogen oxides upon SCR and discusses the various causes of toxic catalyzer.
Beginning in June 2000, measurements of nitrogen dioxide were substituted into the air quality calculations in place of measurements of nitrogen oxides.
The process of flue gas purification with photocatalytic abatement of nitrogen oxides has become a resource-economical and environment-friendly technology.
This paper first introduced the pollution situation of nitrogen oxides and their treatment techniques in china now. The merit and demerit of the techniques were briefly expatiated.
Ships also are major releasers of nitrogen oxides - contributing nearly 30% of the world's releases. This amount too is expected to triple by 2030.
The technology of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) has been researched in a turbocharged direct-injected diesel engine in order to reduce Nitrogen Oxides (NOX) emission.
The technology of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) has been researched in a turbocharged direct-injected diesel engine in order to reduce Nitrogen Oxides (NOX) emission.