The parental controls on a child's Mac can now be managed remotely.
Since that time, critics have pointed out that the experiment was "a small case series with no controls, linked three common conditions, and relied on parental recall and belief.
Via Parental Controls, not only you but also Microsoft will monitor all the visited URLs of your offspring.
As expected the iPhone OS 3.0 software includes cut, copy and paste, a new search function across all the phone's features and applications and expanded parental controls.
和预期一样,iPhoneOS 3.0包含了剪切、复制和粘贴功能,一个覆盖所有软件、功能的搜索功能,以及更加透明的操作方式。
Our parental controls allow you to specify the amount of time that can be spent online, and the times of the day when the Internet is available.
Our parental controls allow you to specify the amount of time that can be spent online, and the times of the day when the Internet is available.