We welcome the admission of the Republic of Korea and the decision of Brazil to join the Paris Club.
The Paris Club also urged countries that do not belong to the group to cancel debt owed to them by Haiti.
The Paris Club Tuesday urged its members to finish a process that began last year, out of consideration for "the financing needs Haiti will face reconstructing the country."
The Paris Club Tuesday urged its members to finish a process that began last year, out of consideration for "the financing needs Haiti will face reconstructing the country." members.
As a result, principal repayments to the Paris Club and multilateral institutions exceeded disbursements by $146 billion in 2005-06, as net private debt flows reached $432 billion.
The decision was taken by the group known as the Paris Club which issued a statement welcoming Liberia's determination to implement measures to reduce poverty and aid economic growth.
The fourth man was from Paris and, like the men from Virginia, a member of the Lion's Club.
The French Abondance blog announced that Google is the new main sponsor of the Paris Saint Germain football club, showing photo proof, too.
法国的Abondance blog宣布Google成为巴黎圣日耳曼足球俱乐部新的赞助商,还提供了图片证明。
I chose Paris because I can see what the club is trying to do.
When the Qataris last year bought Paris SaintGermain (PSG), the French capital's premier football club, it touched a raw enough nerve.
去年卡塔尔人收购了法国目前最炙手可热的足球俱乐部——巴黎圣日耳曼(PSG) 队后,再一次触动了原本就脆弱的法国人的神经。
It was Andy's and Nalbandian's first meeting on clay, in the beautiful setting of the Paris Country Club.
Reports continue to link Makelele with a move to Paris Saint Germain, but he claims there has been no approach from the capital club.
He played his last game for the Club in Paris, coming on as a late substitute in the Champions League Final against Barcelona.
He played his last game for the Club in Paris, coming on as a late substitute in the Champions League Final against Barcelona.