The partisan disguised himself as a peddler and got by the enemy sentry box.
Later she fled to the forests and joined the partisan group, consisting mainly of fugitive Soviet prisoners of war.
The partisan warfare that raged round these topics was so fierce that by 1913 this country was brought to the verge of civil war.
The partisan Brazilian crowd disagreed with the ruling, and Reser said fans were throwing things and cursing him as he left the venue.
When the troubadour appears, the two men confront each other and the troubadour reveals his true identity: he is Manrico, leader of the partisan rebel forces.
I knew I had to have their support to succeed, and they knew the American people would hold us all accountable for breaking the partisan gridlock in Washington.
How will the reapportionment following the 2000 census affect the distribution of seats around the country and the partisan balance of Congress after the 2002 election?
Aside from sending a handful of letters urging Congress to act, the big business lobby has mostly hugged the sidelines as the partisan standoff over the debt limit crisis intensified.
The President's choice was clearly motivated by sound budgetary policy, not partisan politics.
Mr Edwards has been the Congressman from this bastion since 1991, although his district changed shape around him during Texas's partisan redistricting of 2003.
Beyond this partisan influence, however, the participants were generally more inclined to say they'd be willing to vote for those candidates whom they perceived to have higher self esteem.
Fears about this radicalising effect of partisan primaries lay behind the victory on the same day of a ballot measure, Proposition 14, to change to open primaries.
Polling by the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), a non-partisan think-tank, shows each of these provisions is popular with 60% or more of Americans.
All that is certain is this: As a result of those diametrically opposed partisan calculations, the economic stimulus package now represents one of the biggest rolls of the dice of recent times.
Consider those millionaires he is insisting should pay more: there are 433, 000 of them, or 0.3% of all taxpayers, according to the tax Policy Centre, a non-partisan research outfit.
The "Daily Me" phenomenon simultaneously organises and polarises partisan participants into angry camps who can barely understand each others' language.
I know this has gone all partisan in Washington, although for what reason, I cannot comprehend, as the sanctity of the nation's credit rating should be a bipartisan issue.
They were also intended to portray AMISOM as a partisan in the on-going conflict so that its troops could easily become a target and subjected attacks, " he said.
The second benefit, according to analysis done by the Joint Committee on Taxation, another non-partisan outfit, is that it will lift salaries for many Americans and raise tax revenues.
Mr Nishioka’s proposal (as leader of the house, he says he is non-partisan) is to scrap the prefectural system, and replace it with proportional representation in nine supersized voting areas.
Mr Nishioka's proposal (as leader of the house, he says he is non-partisan) is to scrap the prefectural system, and replace it with proportional representation in nine supersized voting areas.
And if the Conservatives were really concerned with cleaning up the campaign process, they might have listened to elections Canada, the non-partisan body that oversees elections and party financing.
Politicians from both parties immediately sought ways to gain partisan advantage from the bipartisan event.
First, the state's demographics are changing fast enough that an overly ambitious partisan gerrymander is likely to come unstuck during its ten-year lifespan.
The university could end up with no supervision of a strongly partisan body.
The non-partisan CBO estimates that the healthcare plan will cost almost a trillion dollars over the next ten years.
Opposition to the treaty simply doesn't make sense at this point; after all the hearings and all of the technical analyses, opposing it just looks like cynical, transparent partisan maneuvering.
First, it is based on growth figures that are better than those projected by either the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office or private-sector forecasters.
First, it is based on growth figures that are better than those projected by either the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office or private-sector forecasters.