If you've been playing poker for half an hour and you still don't know who the patsy is, you're the patsy.
PROFESSIONAL poker players say that if you have been playing for a while and cannot figure out who the patsy is, it's you.
“IF you've been in the [poker] game for 30 minutes and you don't know who the patsy is, ” said Warren Buffett, “you're the patsy”.
So why do I feel like the patsy, the fall guy, the blindsided winger in rugby who knows he is about to be felled at the ankles after receiving what in the game they call a "hospital pass"?
"Now watch it, Patsy," the sergeant told her.
Patsy could hardly be heard above the baby's yowls.
There need be no patsy, because the economy is not a zero-sum game.
When Eddie Sutton became the basketball coach and his wife, Patsy, took an active role in my 1980 campaign, I also began going to all the basketball games I could.
Martha's daughter Patsy had died, her son Jack at 26, but Jack's children figured in the household.
Patrick Wayne Swayze was born on Aug. 18, 1952, in Houston, the son of Jesse Wayne Swayze, an engineer and rodeo cowboy, and Patsy Swayze, a dance instructor and choreographer.
帕特里克•斯威兹于1952年8月18日出生在休斯顿,父亲杰斯•斯威兹(WayneSwayze)是一位工程师和骑术牛仔,母亲派希•斯威兹(Patsy Swayze)是舞蹈老师及编导。
I guess they're what Patsy imagines when she looks at a theater seat, what Lisa sees lurking on the handle of a grocery cart.
Peter spoke into his radio. Patsy heard Peter's voice. She pressed the CALL button on her radio.
You picked the son of a company man to be our patsy?
The new family consisted of George, Martha, Patsy, and John who soon after the marriage made their home at George's estate, Mount Vernon, on the Potomac River.
He created his own name by making a combination of the two main characters of the popular British comedy series Absolutely Fabulous, Eddie Monsoon and Patsy Stone.
No, we can spend the money on food and then share the food, 'Patsy said.
Christopher and Patsy clash at the Newark construction site.
Perhaps, creating the perfect crime using a "patsy"?
When she heard about "Patsy Li" she wrote to? The priest hoping to find her daughter.
When she heard about "Patsy Li" she wrote to? The priest hoping to find her daughter.