There was equally offensive rubbish on Facebook out of America, calling the catastrophes retribution for a 70-year-old act of infamy at Pearl Harbour.
From Pearl Harbour today, the US Navy dominates the Pacific, and America's Asian Allies still communicate on security matters through the United States rather than with each other.
Yet much the same could be said of the otherwise admired Roosevelt, who was caught napping by the Japanese at Pearl Harbour in 1941.
For Americans, it starts with Pearl Harbour and features the Normandy beaches and Guadalcanal.
The Japanese, without any warning, yesterday afternoon began war on the United States with air attacks on the naval base at Pearl Harbour, Hawaii, and the adjacent city of Honolulu.
Before Pearl Harbour, scientific knowledge useful in war was pooled between the United States and Britain and many priceless helps to our victories have come from the arrangement.
Much of the discussion of cyberwar has focused on the potential for a "digital Pearl Harbour", in which a country's power grids and other critical infrastructure are disabled by attackers.
But the French had cause for celebration this summer when the nostalgic movie "Amelie" took more at the French box office than "Pearl Harbour" and "The Mummy Returns".
That (as many Poles probably don’t know) is the anniversary of the Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbour in 1941.
His gratuitous decision to declare war on the United States after Pearl Harbour was another catastrophe (he regarded America as a military weakling).
That (as many Poles probably don't know) is the anniversary of the Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbour in 1941.
Americans are now saying the earthquake in Japan is karma for Pearl Harbour.
The Japanese attacked the American navy in Pearl Harbour.
As more than 150 planes took part in the attacks on Pearl Harbour and Honolulu, it is thought that there must be at least three Japanese aircraft-carriers, and probably more, engaged.
For Americans, it 'starts with Pearl Harbour and features the Normandy beaches and Guadalcanal.
Preparations for war got off to a stuttering start. But everything changed in 1941 when Germany invaded Russia and then Japan attacked the American naval base at Pearl Harbour.
Pearl spent a wonderful time with wise pelican and she couldn't wait to share the story of Sydney Harbour Bridge to her friend wondering wale.
Neither the attack of 1993 on the World Trade Centre nor the bombing in Oklahoma in 1995 had changed that. Even the attack on Pearl Harbour was remote from the country's heartland.
Neither the attack of 1993 on the World Trade Centre nor the bombing in Oklahoma in 1995 had changed that. Even the attack on Pearl Harbour was remote from the country's heartland.