Economists emphasize measurable quantities – the number of jobs, the per capita income.
The per capita income reached 12,670 yuan, 40 times more than in the 1990s.
This is because it implies an increase in the per capita income of every citizen.
Economists emphasize measurable quantities - the number of jobs, the per capita income.
Nonetheless, the per capita income is below the average for the 50 cities in our analysis.
With the per capita income growth, demand for our national tourism show rapid upward trend.
The per capita income of meat producers in Gortland is rising faster than the per capita income of grain producers.
As a result, the per capita income gap between the top 10 percent and bottom 10 percent of urban households is much wider (26 times) than official statistics suggest (9 times).
The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas reported that the per capita income in the two metropolitan statistical areas spanning the Valley ranked lowest and second lowest in the nation.
The per capita income, the use of running water and hygienic latrines increased gradually from the northern part to the southern part and there were significant differences in the 3 survey regions.
They have the world's largest per capita income.
The per capita of disposable income of city dwellers rose by 3.4% and the per capita of net income of rural residents by 4.6%.
Of this total, the per capita disposable income of urban population was 14,334 yuan, a year-on-year growth of 10.5 percent, or a real growth of 7.5 percent after deducting price factors.
The country's per capita income is almost double that of Morocco and Egypt.
For businesses, the significant increase in per capita urban incomes and middle-income households offers the potential of vibrant new markets to serve.
Similarly, Mississippi's companions at the low end of the per-capita income table are West Virginia and Idaho, neither of which fought for the Confederacy.
But when the discussion came up about additional resources for the IMF, the conversation switched back to per capita income, "he said."
The average per capita income of Shanghai residents in Q1 reached RMB8412.89, nearly twice the average of Chinese urban residents, which stood at RMB4674.84.
The issue of increased per capita income over time is often discussed in terms of parental preferences: parents want their children to be better off than they.
Mexico has the highest per capita income in Latin America.
If one divides the observed total income of peasant households with the registered population, an artificially low per-capita income is obtained.
The per capita disposable income of urban residents and the per capita net income of rural residents will rise by an annual average of over 7% in real terms.
The per capita disposable income of urban residents and the per capita net income of rural residents will rise by an annual average of over 7% in real terms.