We have a full picture of what has taken place and so the welfare of the child and his family are the main concern.
We're going to try to photograph all the vehicles out there at the same time, get a family picture and see some interesting imagery we've never seen of the space station before.
Reserchers surveyed 368 undergraduate college students and 439 of their family members to get a picture of the narcissistic traits of the students and of their mothers.
Over their heads hung the picture of Angel's sister, the eldest of the family, sixteen years his senior, who had married a missionary and gone out to Africa.
When the income data were related to age and family size the following picture of the incidence of poverty appeared, using the standard federal poverty definitions.
Mathis placed an announcement and picture of the letter in the Ravenna News, hoping someone might know the family.
The picture of Caroline Wimmer in death showed her after she had been beaten and strangled with an electric cord. The family reeled.
Of those featuring the family snapshot, 48 per cent were sent to the return address and only 28 per cent of those with the picture of the elderly couple.
If it isn't advisable for one half of a couple to get tied into the other's loans and bills, it is even more dangerous to bring family members into the picture.
The child has to fit into the perfect picture of what the family is supposed to look like.
One of Oscar's biggest underdogs, the Olympics tale "Chariots of Fire," ran off with best picture for 1981 over the historical drama "Reds" and the family story "on Golden Pond."
The subject of the picture is "My family".
Look at page 1. Find the picture of the Green family.
Of those featuring the family snapshot, 48 per cent were sent to the return address and only 28 per cent of those with the picture of the elderly couple.
Find the picture of the Green family.
"I was sitting at my kitchen table with my family looking through old photographs," he told me. "I came upon a picture of my little brother in the exact same spot as he was in the present."
Two years pass, I now understand the meaning of the family picture, I take the picture when I am out for school.
Due to the deterioration of her family, Lily Bart was gradually out of the picture and was forgotten soon.
As a consequence of this example in the family, the very mention of music as a profession carried with it a picture of a precarious existence with uncertain financial rewards.
As a consequence of this example in the family, the very mention of teaching as a profession carried with it a picture of a steady existence with certain financial rewards.
On the card the picture is one aristocratic family, three generation of people raise glass in once to one do not express the congratulation in the field relatives and friends.
Putting your family's picture in the house, and name the style of your family members.
They say he looked exactly like the family picture of old Sir Hugo, who first saw the Hound.
The last thing shown is a family picture of the Singh family, with the text "Love can never die".
November is the eleventh month of the year. In America Thanksgiving day is on the 4th Thursday of November. The family are celebrating Thanksgiving in this picture.
This crazy family showed a picture of China's latter-day society and the beginning of the modern society. It becomes a real reflection of history.
They say he looked exactly like the family picture of old Sir Hugo, who first saw the Hound.
They say he looked exactly like the family picture of old Sir Hugo, who first saw the Hound.