There's the Ponzi scheme answer, of course.
I introduced them to each newspaper reporter, in order to help them to expose the Ponzi scheme.
The more likely route to a prosecution, if there is to be one, is to show that they aided their father in perpetrating the Ponzi scheme.
Even workers with no suspected connection to the Ponzi scheme say their careers there have come back to haunt them, with no end in sight.
As Circuit Judge Anderson said in the 1922 Lowell v. Brown case, the Ponzi scheme was "simply the old fraud of paying the earlier comers out of the contributions of the later comers."
In the “Highly Likely” scenario, wrote Mr. Markopolos, “Madoff Securities is the world’s largest Ponzi Scheme.”
You might even say that the bursting of the credit Ponzi scheme has left us all in jail now with Madoff.
"I mean, let's face it, this is the biggest Ponzi scheme in American history," he said.
For the duration of a Ponzi scheme, it may seem like a victimless crime.
The stricken Afghan bank had for years been run as a giant Ponzi scheme for the benefit of powerful shareholders.
The story of how Mr Markopolos discovered the world's largest Ponzi scheme is interesting enough, but the real meat of his account concerns the investigations that did not happen.
He had been the victim of a Ponzi scheme before but, before he died, he made sure he was one of Mr Madoff's largest beneficiaries.
The man who orchestrated the greatest Ponzi scheme in U.S. history is behind bars with a 150-year prison term, and now many of his belongings also have new homes.
But, hey, this is the reason that stocks aren't simply lottery tickets or some kind of Ponzi scheme.
Bernie Madoff was expected to plead guilty to charges relating to his Ponzi scheme, the biggest fraud in history.
Bernard L. Madoff returned to federal court on Thursday morning and pleaded guilty to all the charges against him in a vast Ponzi scheme that bilked investors out of billions of dollars.
There is no unsustainable progression driving the mechanism of a pay-as-you-go pension system and so it is not a pyramid or Ponzi scheme.
Charles Ponzi was probably the most colorful and outlandish practitioner of the scheme that bears his name.
The charge sheet confirms that he ran a Ponzi scheme of unprecedented boldness, dating at least as far back as the 1980s.
The most dramatic reason for this shift is Bernie Madoff, perpetrator of the world’s largest Ponzi scheme.
这一转变最具戏剧性的原因是Bernie Madoff,这个世界上最大“庞氏骗局”的策划者。
Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme, which came to light in 2008, made clear the risks of handing over capital without close oversight.
Notoriety: Charged in 2009 with orchestrating a Ponzi scheme in more than 140 countries, Stanford first made his fortune running his father's real estate firm during the 1980s.
Exactly one year ago, Bernard L. Madoff's two sons turned him in for running the biggest Ponzi scheme ever.
正好是一年前,伯纳德·马多夫(Bernard L . Madoff)的两个儿子揭发了他史上最大规模的庞氏骗局。
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has scaled up its oversight since its failure to spot Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme, which came to light in 2008.
自从没能够及时发现于2008年曝光的伯纳德·马道夫(Bernie Madoff)庞氏骗局以来,证券交易委员会就拓宽了监管范围。
That is how the SEC described the recent Bernard Madoff $50 billion Ponzi scheme, "a stunning fraud that appears to be of epic proportions."
这就是委员会对最近发生的涉案金额高达500亿美元的伯纳德·麦道夫案做出的解释。 “这起庞氏骗局简直就像是史诗一样的庞大而令人吃惊。”
In a Ponzi scheme, not all investors lose. The first investors gain much. Those who manage to get out in time retain their investments and some of their gains.
In a Ponzi scheme, not all investors lose. The first investors gain much. Those who manage to get out in time retain their investments and some of their gains.