Everyone, whether rich or poor, is born equal so we are equal before the law.
I don't know what poor Jeff Gleckel thought was going on, but he never talked to me about the law review again.
Poor men protested against the law. They said it was unfair.
Although Yemen has a law stating that 15 is the marriageable age, it is frequently flouted, particularly in poor rural areas where society is run along tribal lines.
What I found were individuals out of control in a community where the majority, even in the poorest of poor parts, was decent, law-abiding and actually desperate for action to correct the situation.
To obey the law, Norwegian firms promoted many women who were less experienced than the directors they had before. These new hires appear to have done a poor job.
CONVENTIONAL law firms charge vast hourly fees and then hand the work to underlings while the partners play golf at clubs their clients are too poor to join.
It has since made a sluggish recovery, though the extent of the unemployment and gray market, combined with relatively poor law system continue to be of grave concern.
The new labor law is intended to help the poor, but on 17 January 2008 I published an article predicting this law would create a downward kink in the rising income curve for China’s poor.
Campaigners celebrated the new law as a step towards equality-an applicant with a low credit score is much more likely to be poor, black or young.
But I decided to try again and went to see Clifford Mills, the dean of Westminster Cortege of law-a poor man 's school with no tenured professors or law review.
Nor will the law help people such as Shanxi's slaves, who suffer not from a lack of legal protection but from poor enforcement.
The story began from the good-looking poor orphaned boy living with his elder brother and sister-in-law.
The story begins with the handsome but poor orphan who lived with his elder brother and sister-in-law.
Such as price issue, running poor efficiency and incomplete law issue in the course of running make social common people query on ability of government's regulation.
In the new environment, the poor baby to adapt to their environment is changed, the law of life has been disrupted, the sick baby is very high.
Creatively using the law of 'efficiency in priority and fairness in consideration 'is the guarantee to further solve the problem of the wide gap between the rich and the poor.
The new law allows the dismissal of teachers who are poorly evaluated and the closing of schools that are providing a poor quality of education.
This guy is a punk. He got drunk drove without a license killed and hurt poor people. Nobody is above the Law. So what if he is an actor.
There's a common law of economics that states that many poor people will stay poor because of the decisions that they make about how to spend their money.
At present, China Tax absence of basic law, the legal grade of a low, authoritative poor;
Conclusion the recording defects are related to the following factors: insufficient consciousness of law, insufficient professional knowledge, poor nursing supervision and inspection, et al.
The essential reason for which the system established was that the social issues such as poverty and unemployment became graver and the failure of Poor Law.
Medical cause was mainly because of the poor quality of medical staff: poor morality, poor skills and lack of a law mind;
According to the investigation, this is awfully related to the personnel's poor quality and the manager's dim consciousness of security and law.
Poor goal, aim, value orientation which accord with the economic law instead.
Poor goal, aim, value orientation which accord with the economic law instead.