Poynting's Theorem and the Poynting Vector s.
Maxwell's equations conserve certain properties-the magnetic field intensity, the electric displacement field and the Poynting vector that describes the electric flux of an electromagnetic field.
The variation and transmit of the radial and tangential energy flow in the air gap of electrical machines are illustrated by analyzing the divergence of Poynting vector.
The wave equations, modes coupled coefficient and Poynting vector have been got here. The sensing theory of tilted fiber Bragg grating is presented here.
With the principle of work and power, as well as Poynting vector, the reasons for the energy variation in the process of connecting capacitances in parallel are analyzed and discussed.
The time-averaged Poynting vector gives the conditions for negative refraction that occurs at the interface, which are consistent with the analysis in crystal physics.
The time-averaged Poynting vector gives the conditions for negative refraction that occurs at the interface, which are consistent with the analysis in crystal physics.