The element's index is used in the logic of the predicate function.
Each element's index is used in the logic of the predicate function.
Notice that once again, we used a shorthand closure for the predicate function passed to the filter function.
As a slightly more sophisticated example, here is a query involving a spatial join, that is, a join where the join predicate is a spatial function.
This sounds like a lot of conditions, but so far it is straightforward: using the column, the index can be found and the spatial predicate is known using the function.
The problem is that the predicate with the fn: upper-case function prevents the use of XML indexes in DB2.
问题是如果使用包含fn:upper - case函数的谓词,就不会使用DB 2中的xml索引。
This is like the take function, but it takes a predicate.
The user-defined predicate is associated to the function equalString, as shown in italics in Listing 5.
用户定义谓词被关联到函数equalString,如清单 5中的斜体 部分所示。
XQuery does not have a special function or operator similar to the relational "between" predicate.
XQuery没有类似于关系查询中 “between” 谓词的专用功能或操作符。
The filter function applies the predicate, and if it returns true, the element in the sequence is added to the result.
Now, if I may continue, once the CompareOther function has been written, the faithful needs only to write a binary predicate to wrap the comparison function.
If a query has a function template in a predicate or a select list, the function template must be part of the materialized query table.
The aggregate function, COUNT, is applied to the records that remain after the stage-2 predicate filtering.
In the first query, the filtering predicate is expressed on the CHAR column "Zip" generated by the XMLTABLE function.
In contrast to the previous queries, the following query adds a predicate on the message element using the contains XQuery function.
In the next example, the position function is used in the predicate for the XSL: apply-templates statement, which selects names that have a position of 1.
在下一个例子中,position函数用在xsl:apply - templates语句的谓词中,选择具有位置1的名称。
The GENROW table function produces the values listed in the <VALUE LIST> of the IN predicate.
GENROW表函数会生成在IN 谓词的 <VALUELIST> 中所列的值。
Copies the contained elements, hash function, predicate, maximum load factor and allocator.
They are function as predicate and the center of predicate.
Many loop invariants can be expressed in the form of the fixed point of a predicate universal function while weakest precondition is least fixed point and explained in the view of category theory.
It is a peculiar phenomenon in Chinese that a noun can directly function as the predicate.
It is a peculiar phenomenon in Chinese that a noun can directly function as the predicate.