Life is priceless, never discount: the earth person all know, any products are cost, the price discount, the quality is no guarantee.
Seniors can enjoy 25% discount on the ticket price.
The discount for the integrated price is usually determined by the pricing leader, who works closely with the company sales force.
And example would be a retailer, particularly a low price retailer. The gross margins of a discount retailer could be as low as 25%.
E-books cost virtually nothing to produce, and yet the baseline cover price, set by publishers, is only fractionally below the discount price for the print version of new releases.
The consolidated price often provides an attractive discount.
So what everybody knows is that the discount is converted into a price according to this formula.
Compute the total price considering the discount and the taxes.
The discount rate that is shown is the number that you plug into a formula to get the price.
The Lasik is almost certainly a "raise prices and discount" situation — you have no idea what their normal price is.
We really can't discount the price more than six percent。
Uh, the list price is $6, 500 U.S. You're a valued customer, so I'll give you a 10% discount.
So, how do we get the price from the discount rate?
In a rights issue, shareholders are granted the right to buy more shares at a set price, often a discount to the current price.
If convenience isn't important to you as price, you many want to shop in some of the discount houses.
Some books also can be purchased at a large discount from the cover price.
Accounting calculates total purchase price, based on the costs, discount level, tax rate, and shipping.
These would form a proto-currency that would trade at a discount to the remaining euros in circulation-a shadow price of the devaluation to come.
The company plans to also launch a gourmet food site and a full-price men's online store, indicating its growth outside of discount sales.
And a few more Indians are now retail investors, encouraged by a small discount on the share price.
But even if that turns out to be too optimistic, both theory and evidence make it reasonable to expect a significant discount from the sticker price.
In practical terms, this means they stand at an average 20% discount to the market's prospective price-earnings ratio.
Even after their tumble, the aggregate price-earnings ratio is in line with developed markets, rather than at the discount that has been the historical norm.
The first group has bought the bonds or loans at a discount and is looking for a quick return; the second, having paid the full price, would prefer to hold on in hope of a higher payout.
If your dealer quotes you a discount rate of 2.51%, you know how to convert that into the price and that's all that matters — all that really matters is the price you have to pay.
If your dealer quotes you a discount rate of 2.51%, you know how to convert that into the price and that's all that matters — all that really matters is the price you have to pay.