For all that, the private university looks like an idea whose time has finally come in Britain.
He hopes the private university will be non-profit and one of the best in China. (See photo).
The private university, which Britain has rightly resisted for so long, is creeping ever closer.
The private university in western Japan is well known for its manga and anime programs and established a master's degree course in manga last year.
It's not quite at the vanishing point, but the real rate of 4.7 percent at the private university in Silicon Valley is still astonishing compared to a decade ago.
The ways to realize the private university distinguished alumni resources educating value, including establish alumni communication platform, discover outstanding alumni resources;
When Boston College, a private research university, wanted a better feel for its potential donors, it asked the psychologist Robert Kenny to investigate the mindset of the super-rich.
Maybe people don't act that much differently, because it's the same thing working for a private university.
Maybe people don't act that much different, because it's the same thing working for a private university.
The public sector is now so transparent that we have a right to read the private emails of climate scientists working for a state-sponsored university.
The Ricci map going on display had been held for years by a private collector in Japan and will eventually be housed at the Bell Library at the University of Minnesota.
"That model really does have an impact," said Ruggieri, the head of the employee assistance program at the University of Maryland who often counsels couples in his private practice.
“That model really does have an impact,” said Ruggieri, the head of the employee assistance program at the University of Maryland who often counsels couples in his private practice.
It is one of four "private" institutions that are based in England and offer degrees, only one of which (the University of Buckingham) has been awarded a royal charter and operates as a charity.
But even so the number of private colleges has risen rapidly.Private businesses, long absent from education, now sponsor scholarships and university chairs.
Embarrassingly for the state, only one of its universities (the small, private Rice University in Houston) makes it into the list of the top 20 universities in America, let alone the world.
而令人感到尴尬的是,德州只有一所院校(位于休斯顿的,小型的私人院校——赖斯大学,Rice University)位于美国高校榜的前20名,更不用说在世界上的排名。
And the University of Phoenix, America's largest private education provider, has sharply increased enrolments, from 384,000 to 455,000 in the past year.
No longer a state agency, the university now finds it easier to raise money from private donors who want to know how it will be spent.
The main gap in university financing is not the contribution of the state, which matches America’s, but in private funding and fees.
I sued Drexel University in a civil lawsuit and the case has now gone into private, binding arbitration.
At a private university in the United Arab Emirates, only 15% of the faculty thought there was good evidence to support evolution.
Nitze's world was Wall Street and the Pentagon; Kennan's was a private study or a university library.
BPP is part of the Apollo Group, a market-listed US company that owns the University of Phoenix, a private institution offering degrees through distance learning.
The highly liquid Treasurys were one of the few assets to hold their value over the period and also enabled the university to meet capital calls from private-equity firms.
THERE have been gunfights outside the American school and a big private university.
A private, run-for-profit university has launched an aggressive expansion plan to jointly run at least 10 of its publicly funded counterparts, the Guardian can reveal.
Steve Kaplan, a professor at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, thinks private equity will end up mimicking the large investment Banks that went public over the past few decades.
Steve Kaplan, a professor at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, thinks private equity will end up mimicking the large investment Banks that went public over the past few decades.