Note that an Agile approach still works well in a sustaining mode of a product, and the "Process Improvement Focused" features of Kanban work well in sustaining mode, too.
There has been a growing movement which has focused upon the technology-as-process approach.
The process-focused writing approach has been widely discussed and feedback to students' writing is attracting academic concerns in second or foreign language teaching and research.
Romax tools allowed us to transform the transmission NVH process from a test-based hardware iterative approach to a process focused on up-front design optimization.
Romax软件帮助我们实现了NVH分析过程从基于物理样机反复测试的模式转变为着眼于虚拟 样机优化设计的模式。
Romax tools allowed us to transform the transmission NVH process from a test-based hardware iterative approach to a process focused on up-front design optimization.
Romax软件帮助我们实现了NVH分析过程从基于物理样机反复测试的模式转变为着眼于虚拟 样机优化设计的模式。