The second part gives a detailed analysis of the price system related to the property right market structure in our country to demonstrate the problems available.
Client: I would like to know the state of the residential property market right now because I have an apartment to sell.
Reasons: Being an invisible property right, Business secret is "king". "Sharp - Sword" in the market competition, which can bring a great deal of interests tO the right - keepers.
Essentially, the allocation of human capital belongs to market exchange of property right of human capital.
With verification of property right and the setup of property right transaction market, trust institutions must change their goals, with maximizations of profit being one of their main goals.
The logical starting point of Chinas reform of publishing system is the rules and regulations of publishing market on the basis of property right system.
The construction of perfect property institution contains 2 aspect contents, which are property right restructuring and creation of property right limited rules in market transaction.
On the specific market, the historic factor, structure system of the market, property right structure and its selling way can't be ignored either.
Clear property right is the premise for market transaction, and it is necessary to define and protect property rights.
Distinct land property right is the basic premise of land market transaction.
For example, recent gains in the housing market have accrued mainly to people who happen to belong to the right generation and who own property in the right places.
Property right trades the one big question on the market is effective buyer inadequacy, the occurrence of PE can from go up at all solve this problem.
Ownership and shareholder structure of firms should emerge in the ever-improving market, so as to improve the property right structure and operating mechanism of Chinese companies.
So want from property right, market, legal system , propagate in many aspects to control synthetically, could strengthen the management of the land assets income effectively .
Clear property right and calculation of external cost are the preconditions for green energy to participate in market competition.
The latter includes: the degree of assets exclusiveness, the characteristics of the property right of factor, the state of market competition and the change of technological condition.
The traditional property right cannot be transacted that make difficulty to allocate the health service resources through the market mechanism.
Property right is the basic element to constitute the social economic system as well as the basic presupposition for the market transaction to be operated orderly.
In the paper the authors put forward and analyse a pattern for water property right transaction market based on contacts.
I would like to know the state of the residential property market right now because I want to buy an apartment in your project.
It ignores the indispensable fact, which is a premise by Coase, that availability of market system is a kind of property right.
In many of theses cases no credit and no money is required since the buyer will try to find a buyer right away and unload the property at a profit in the Miami real estate market.
The reason is mainly the market orientation of wage level under the classical property right system.
We point out that the university intellectual property right protection is just the means; the realization of the market value of the intellectual property right is the key and aim.
The second is that the net game products of national originality with self-owned intellectual property right cannot take the lead in the market.
This paper applies a system of evaluation targets to appraise the efficiency of Jinlin technology property right transaction market, and analyzes the result.
This paper applies a system of evaluation targets to appraise the efficiency of Jinlin technology property right transaction market, and analyzes the result.