Provisional safeguard measures shall take the form of tariff increases.
The Security Council shall duly take account of failure to comply with such provisional measures.
Abstract: the process of the commissioning work, deficiencies, preventive repairing, punch list and provisional measures managements can all be achieved by the Worksheets management system.
Such provisional measures shall be without prejudice to the rights, claims, or position of the parties concerned.
Bridge concrete cracks on the types and causes of railway policy of the Provisional Construction of high bridge pier cracks in the control and preventive measures were analyzed and summarized.
Provisional measures may take the form of provisional countervailing duties guaranteed by cash deposits or bonds equal to the amount of the provisionally calculated amount of subsidization.
Article 26 in case the final award decides not to take safeguard measures, the provisional tariffs that have been levied shall be refunded.
According to the stipulations of International Law, the Court can take provisional measures at the request of litigant.
In addition, it points out that except eventual anti-dumping duties, provisional measures and price-undertaking, other "specific action against dumping" is forbidden by the WTO agreement.
He is one of the sachems, and in situations demanding swift action he has to take provisional measures, until the council can assemble and make a definite decision.
Provisional countervailing measures may be taken in the form of levying provisional countervailing duty under the guarantee of cash deposits or guarantee letter.
Provisional power use of machines in the field involves in technical and organizational measures.
Provisional power use of machines in the field involves in technical and organizational measures.