Spoken language without thinking sounds like the purposeless random shoots.
I slunk off in the direction of the cocktail table—the only place in the garden where a single man could linger without looking purposeless and alone.
And, oh, the havoc this pain wreaks on our lives. By trying to ignore it, we end up addicted, depressed, purposeless, confused, and stressed beyond belief.
Approached in the dark, the lights looked lonely and purposeless.
Meanwhile, people in more cities, especially those Asian ones, keep rushing about, soulless and purposeless and neglecting the sedateness felt only in the late-autumn tranquility and serenity.
Economy of effort in every way, he preached, the sharpest self-control, the fewest strokes possible to express a fact, the least slapping about of purposeless paint.
The third part analyzes the duel characteristics of his life aesthetic thought , namely purposeless accordance with purpose and non-individuality utilitarianism.
His is a purposeless life and he will never be known for the things he has accomplished.
He has a wife. She's studying in another province. We met at a karaoke. I suspect we've found ourselves in the same situation. Alone, purposeless.
He has a wife. She's studying in another province. We met at a karaoke. I suspect we've found ourselves in the same situation. Alone, purposeless.