The real space race is whether we will colonise off Earth on to other worlds before money for the space programme runs out.
The race to find intelligent life, or any life at all, beyond Earth has been a heated space scramble for decades.
The space for debate needs to be broadened, and race relations handled with care.
A few hope for a modern rerun of the space race, with China or perhaps India providing the competition.
The space race is not simply the objective search for knowledge it is often made out to be.
It was a surprise to the world, a shock to many Americans, and the starting gun for the space race between the superpowers.
China stands for the peaceful use of outer space and opposes arms race in outer space.
The UN General Assembly has, for many years without interruption, overwhelmingly adopted (with no negative votes) the resolution of "Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space".
So the only oppoortunity for survival of the human race is to spread civilization to the outer space.
The UN General Assembly has, for many years without interruption, overwhelmingly adopted the resolution of "Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space".
Finkelstein's institute runs a program launched in the 1960s at the height of the Cold War space race to watch for and beam out radio signals to outer space.
Ralph Morse worked as a photographer for LIFE for decades, covering everything from the liberation of Paris in 1944 to Broadway shows and the Space Race.
The Chinese anti-satellite test is terrible news for international stability and security and could presage the dawn of a new arms race — this time in space markey said.
The paper analyses the nature of space weaponry and its impact on arms race and points out that the space nonweaponization is an urgent task for arms control.
After the wonders and terrors of Apollo's race for the moon, the shuttle was space made everyday.
For many years the US was involved in a space race with the Soviet Union, a competition to see who could be the first to explore the outer reaches of space.
For many years the US was involved in a space race with the Soviet Union, a competition to see who could be the first to explore the outer reaches of space.