The rapid growth of economy has given rise to the multiplying number of tourists, which challenges the integrated capability of those hot scenic spots.
For the first part of this decade, the market was stuck in a prolonged slump in spite of the rapid growth in the economy.
The national economy continued to maintain steady and rapid growth. GDP topped 30 trillion yuan, an increase of 9% over the previous year.
We have a great need for energy because of the rapid growth of our economy.
With rapid growth of the economy, the investment rate continuously rises.
The information technology and industry, including the Internet, have contributed considerably to the rapid growth of China's economy.
In recent years, with the rapid growth of national economy, the traditional substation has far cannot satisfy the needs of modern management mode of power system.
With the rapid growth of China's economy, plastics products are being used widely ranging from civil area to industrial area.
Since the start of this year, the Chinese economy has maintained a momentum of fairly rapid growth.
The rapid growth of foreign reserve and rise of prices level have become two outstanding problems in Chinese economy.
The world trades volume remains rapid growth with the prosperity of the world's economy.
The constant increase in economic aggregate makes it difficult to maintain rapid growth of economy in a long period.
Rapid growth, if left unchecked, will also heighten the risk of a hard landing of the economy.
The rapid development of China's economy and growth in the number of people learning Chinese has made Chinese one of the favorite languages for learners around the world.
This year China will ensure continuously rapid growth of the national economy, and maintain the stability of commodity price and Renminbi exchange rate.
The institutional transformation of Chinese economy has greatly promoted the rapid growth of the economy.
In the 80 's of the 20th century, the problem of farming pollution had been gradually serious due to the rapid growth of population and economy development.
It is necessary to start up rural market, for which not only curbs deflation, but also promotes our economy to go on the path of sustaining steady rapid growth.
With the rapid growth of township and village enterprises (TVEs), it now contributes for 30% to the total amount of the national economy and 60% to the rural economy.
With the rapid growth of China's economy and demand on community Express, market competition within Express industry becomes increasingly fierce.
In recent years the Chinese economy has been keeping rapid growing, but obviously the growth rate of tax income is higher than the GDP growth rate.
China's rapid growth momentum of economy has been the focus of world's attention.
With the rapid development of China's economy, energy consumption enters the rapid growth phase.
If China has another 20 years of rapid growth in it, then the likelihood is that it will indeed take the title of "the world's largest economy" some time in the 2020s.
With the rapid growth of our economy, …
With the continued rapid growth of the macro economy in China, the real estate industry has entered into a booming period.
With the continued rapid growth of the macro economy in China, the real estate industry has entered into a booming period.