Barakin, who heads a private television station in Saint Petersburg, said the rare breed of Asian Leopard Cat was a gift from a Moscow businessman he had dealings with.
"That's the old question of nature versus nurture," she replied, as we surveyed a rare breed of tamarin. "Look at it this way: nature is not pushing us in a particular direction; it's just pushing."
In fact, in my experience, the content strategist is a rare breed who's often willing and able to embrace these roles as necessary to deliver useful, usable content.
Each year in April, swans and other rare birds return from the south to live and breed there.
Since that day the ARF has been overseeing this rare breed and protecting its standards.
We have two pedigree Middle Whites sows and a British Lop, which is currently the rarest rare-breed pig in England. We also have two pedigree Berkshire gilts.
The Luxury home buyer is a rare breed and they need to see pictures and learn intimate details about your home.
The purple rose from South America is a rare breed that reflects female grace and tenderness when combined with elegant and refined boat orchids or Dutch hydrangea.
We are sad to see him go, we do wish him all the best. He's a rare breed, one of those players who can dribble with the ball and take people on.
We are sad to see him go, we do wish him all the best. He's a rare breed, one of those players who can dribble with the ball and take people on.