Secondly, the rate of contribution by the science & technology is low;
The results showed that the rate of contribution of available Fe to yield of cucumber was the biggest of factors(0.7861), the following is available P(-0.2865).
In later years, an increase in the death rate probably made a contribution to further declines in prevalence, while the number of new infections remained more or less unchanged.
A recent study of their effect, by economists at the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank, pegged their contribution at just 0.4 percentage points of the close-to-10% jobless rate.
The contribution rate is approximately 5.2% (of income) for an employee, 5.7% for an employer and less than 11% for those who have their own business,” Popescu says.
The producer can apply two strategies according to the contribution rate to avoid the risks of the profit of production, and therefore could steady the profit of production.
The result shows that the contribution rate of the human capital is greater it of the physical capital, but their difference in contribution rate is not very big.
Using the correlation between number of university (students) in each subject and average GDP as the contribution rate of grey linear programming, the subject (structure) is optimized.
By analyzing the contribution factor, a study on the oxygen consumption rate of chlorobenzene homologue under the condition of cosubstrate was conducted.
The contribution rate of 6 variables of social support to self-esteem is 7.1%, for ordinary life satisfaction, the contribution rate is 12%.
The grain output increase in Hunan Province mainly depended on scientific technology since 1957, the contribution rate of scientific technology increased from 0.7% to 50.5%.
It was showed by means of screening analysis of electromyogram that the contribution rate to diagnosis of various parameters had their own definite quantitative arrangement.
In turn, this article analyses the cause of small contribution rate and put forward the proposal to reestablish the "accumulating circle" mechanism of the human capital forming in countryside.
Third, dummy variable D_1 was included. The contribution to the earning rate of fund by different market conditions (bull and bear) was considered.
A model about valuing the contribution rate of economy growth was built, based on three kinds of datum.
This paper analysises the contribution rate of progress in GDP and telecom-portfolio using Solow Complementary method.
If the economic growth and monetization were included in our model the tax rate of seigniorage would be the sum of the contribution rate of growth, the rate of monetization and the nominal rate.
The accumulative contribution rate of the 4 major factors to total variation accounted for over 85%, maintaining most of information of 13 characters.
In the total rate, the contribution of variety change, cultural improvement, the application of fertilizer, and soil productivity was 54%, 36%, 15%, and 27% respectively.
The high growth of Chinas machine tool industry has been followed by very high contribution rate of the total factor productivity (TFP) since 1998.
The contribution rate of the road dust to particulate concentration in the urban area is 30% ~ 50% during motor vehicle running.
机动车行驶过程道路扬尘是城区颗粒物污染的主要因素,其贡献率可达30% ~ 50%。
Last year, the contribution rate of China telecom industries' to national economy was 3%-4% and it will be reach to 7% approximately by the year of 2005 or 2006.
去年中国电信业对国民经济的贡献率为3% - 4%,估计到2005、2006年对国民经济的贡献率将有可能达到7%。
According to the calculated annual change contribution ratio, hepatitis contributed the most to the decline of the incidence rate, whereas blennorrhea contributed the most to the increase.
On the basis of financial balance on half-funded pension, this paper quantitatively analyses the impact of increase of retirement age on the contribution rate.
Third, multiply the obtained contribution rate of each category by degree of membership that the region belongs to so to obtain the contribution rate of science and technology progress in each region.
Stepping into 21st century, the economic growth mode transformation of China has made substantial progress. The TFP contribution rate has achieved 57.58% per year.
Contribution rate of the organic matter and kalium upon latent soil benefit was the biggest, and total phosphorus 'was the least.
The index of the error contribution rate is proposed, which facilitates the study of the effect of parasitic stiffness of flexure hinge on planar compliant mechanism.
Social pooling may mainly increase the supply of pension through two ways: raising contribution rate and extending coverage, but actual system encounters the dilemma of supply of pension.
Social pooling may mainly increase the supply of pension through two ways: raising contribution rate and extending coverage, but actual system encounters the dilemma of supply of pension.