A good response rate was seen in data collection for 2007 with responses being received from 162 countries, covering 92% of the world's population.
We were able to speed the collection of data by more than three orders of magnitude, attaining video-rate imaging.
In the process of data collection, 28 surveys were eliminated because some participant response was not complete or true, so 292 complete surveys were obtained with an efficient rate of 91.3%.
It usually estimated to determinate power saving rate to see if the motor load set used a frequency conversion device due to difficulty of data collection and the results were not quiet correct.
Based on this, the best energy transmitting power which can make the largest network life is gained, and a policy is put forward to prolong network life and keep a high rate of data collection.
The fourth chapter introduces the 14 banks in this collection of stock price data, and based on the calculation of the stock index and the rate of return sequence.
The results indicates that the multiprocess parallel arithmetic of using queue data structures in embedded system can save image capture time and improve rate of information collection.
The results indicates that the multiprocess parallel arithmetic of using queue data structures in embedded system can save image capture time and improve rate of information collection.