The quality of housing environment has much relationship with human being's health.
Human-environment relationship is referred to the relationship between the human society and the geographical environment in geography, is the core of geography research.
Reliability design is the most important part of human-machine-environment system in product design. It has the relationship with the quantity of product.
Environment moral education, as a kind of spiritual support, plays an important role in construction of the harmonious relationship between human beings and the nature, human beings and the society.
With understanding fully the relationship between information environment and information literate, the essence of IEM is to administer human-information literate.
It is urban ecology that studies the relationship between citizen and environment which is characteristic of high intense human activities.
The organizational culture of library can be reflected in three aspects, i. e. material environment, internal human relationship, and values and ways of thinking.
The organizational culture of library can be reflected in three aspects, i. e. material environment, internal human relationship, and values and ways of thinking.