How do you predict the result of the match?
The result of the match was 2-1 to Chicago.
A: How do you predict the result of the match?
The result of the match is not surprising at all.
How disappointed we were to hear the result of the match!
What worried me most was not the result of the match, but the case where any player might be injured.
What was the result of the football match last night?
And since no oil is ever held back from the market, these bets do not affect the price of oil any more than bets on a football match affect the result.
A result set is an array consisting of 0 or more rows that match a database query; a result set identifier is simply a value that you pass to other functions to work with the rows in the result set.
OUTPUT: Data types of result returned from this 4GL function; must have one-to-one correspondence from left to right, and must match the count of arguments, as in the function definition.
Any records that match the search string will become part of the enumeration result set.
That unexpected finding was the result of studies of supernovas whose apparent brightness (and therefore distance) did not match the previous theory.
But we hope that English holidaymakers don't boycott the Algarve for long as a result of the match.
It selects the longest match, removes it from the beginning of the original string, and returns the result.
Note in the evaluation, if the pattern is a bound variable, or the element of the pattern is a bound variable, then the result of the pattern match becomes a comparison.
I suspect that this particular group was chosen because the final two digits correspond to the 4-4 result of the match in which Bentley scored.
我怀疑选择这个特殊的是因为最后两个数字对应本特利得分的那场比赛的结果4 - 4。
Partly, this is the result of a desire by carmakers to create electric vehicles that match the standards of petrol-driven ones.
Multiply a city’s rank by its population and the result will match the size of the biggest city.
The cardinality estimate of 7 does not match the actual result of 12.
When you click on one of the values, the portlet refreshes the result set and the facets to show only the result set that contains the items that match the selected value.
It checks the same set of substrings as our first example did, except that bash removes the shortest match from our original string, and returns the result.
When I find a match, I replace the original store with one that USES the result of a call to the reverse method within the actual TranslateEditor application class.
Only Tom knew the result of the football match.
They tried to forecast the result of the football match.
High quality match action for his fit outfield players, no more significant injuries picked up, and even the result, always of secondary importance at this stage, was the right one.
They tried to forecast the result of the football match.
I am pleased I scored the equaliser, it was important in helping us turn the game around. This is an important result in view of the match with Celtic.
I awaited the result of the football match with trepidation.
Besides watching the excellent performance of football players, to forecast the result before the match is certainly.
Besides watching the excellent performance of football players, to forecast the result before the match is certainly.