They argued for the right to strike.
He had declared that nobody has the right to strike a blow in this house except himself or me.
The right to strike is the subsidiary to realize the collective bargaining, and is also the compressive means to secure the promotion of the collective bargaining.
Academic circles as to whether our country should give citizens the right to strike level, should have basically reached a consensus to give citizens the right to strike.
In the U.K., unlike in most other European jurisdictions, there is no right to strike.
A slew of conflicting polls suggest that voters are unsure what to think, backing the right of teachers to strike for pensions, but also supporting tougher strike laws.
How then to strike the right balance between secrecy and transparency?
Choosing an engagement ring does not strike me as the kind of thing I need to do right... now.
So the onus is on us — the parents — to strike the right balance.
It wants to strike a balance between the human right to health, and the right of health-care professionals to make their own career choices.
If the right amount of light gets through the hole to strike the sensor, you get a properly exposed picture.
But beware that the negative ones will probably still hide in the corners, quietly waiting for the right moment to strike.
Being no stranger to plots and intrigue, Robert Catesby, a notorious Northamptonshire catholic, now felt the time was right to strike a blow for his religion.
The thorniest problem facing the health-care profession is how to strike the right balance between promoting health and curing illness.
Strike a delicate balance when responding to this kind of question, with just the right mix of honesty, ambition, and your desire to be working at this company long-term.
That depends on whether he is able to strike the right balance between speaking to the moment and speaking to history; between addressing the audience and addressing the ages.
Find a store with a knowledgeable sales staff who will take the time to help you pick out the right shoe for your foot strike.
He tripped and fell on the ground. He rolled over to pick himself up but saw that the bear was right on top of him, reaching for him with his left paw and raising his right paw to strike him.
I think each leader has to decide what works best for them, but over the course of my career, I've found techniques and developed my own style to strike the right balance.
European option: the right to buy a given quantity of a good or security at a specific time and at a specific price (the strike price).
I could just see in the moonlight as far to my left and right that I could see a staggered line of craters into the darkness, and then realized this had been a B52 strike.
月光下在我目视所见范围内的左右各有一条交错的弹坑一直延伸到黑暗之中,我马上意识到这是一次B - 52轰炸后留下来的痕迹。
In order to maintain the social security order, strike crimes, protect the people's life property safety and other legal right, the police power has necessity to exist.
American option: the right to buy a given quantity of a good or security at or before a specific time and at a specific price (the strike price).
I never seem to be able to strike the right balance between discipline and generosity.
Nixon with his mastery of intangibles knew how to strike the right note.
Le Roy said right now the indication is that the attackers were looking to strike an international target.
When hundreds and thousands of documents strike a consistent note, over more than a hundred years, we have a right to say that is the keynote.
When hundreds and thousands of documents strike a consistent note, over more than a hundred years, we have a right to say that is the keynote.