Much of that has to do with the power dynamics in the boardroom and the role of the CEO.
The debacle, more than any other single problem Starbucks faced, made Schultz decide to step back into the role of active CEO.
The implementation of ERP has been regarded as' the Engineering of CEO ', which indicates that the company's decision maker plays a special role during the implementation stage.
“He was waiting for the last big parts of the company to be running to his standards before he took on the role of Apple CEO, ” said Ratzlaff.
他在等待公司最后的一大部分满足他的标准,然后再担起苹果CEO的角色。 “Ratzlaff说道。
Look the part — Have a client presentation or a meeting with the CEO? Dress for the part, making sure you choose appropriate articles of clothing for your role.
The House Financial Services Committee received little assistance from the former CEO and CFO of WorldCom in its attempts to ascertain their role in the company's restatement of accounts.
The systemic risk issues and, therefore, the directors' responsibilities go beyond the board's traditional role of CEO and executive compensation oversight.
So one of the things that I thought about as I was nearing the CEO role-or trying to get the CEO role-is would there be anything I could do to salvage the relationship.
So one of the things that I thought about as I was nearing the CEO role-or trying to get the CEO role-is would there be anything I could do to salvage the relationship.