The rule of thumb is to wash your whites and colours separately.
The rule of thumb for improving in anylanguage is simple practice.
The rule of thumb has been red wine with meat, white wine with fish.
The rule of thumb is to drink six glasses of water for every glass of alcohol.
The rule of thumb is that XML expands by a factor of ten when read into memory.
经验规则是,XML 被读入内存时它会扩大10倍。
But the rule of thumb is. sheep are carriers, pigs are amplifiers, and cows are indicators.
The rule of thumb is that higher quality GPS receivers generate more accurate GPS positions.
The rule of thumb is always set number of CPU VPs no more then two for per physical CPUs on the machine.
根据经验,为机器上的每个物理CPU设置的CPUVP数目应该总是不超过2 个。
The rule of thumb is that a cubic foot of fresh, tightly packed 100-renminbi bills is worth about $350, 000.
Most Americans stick more than any other people to the rule of thumb: work while you work, play while you play.
The rule of thumb in matters like these is that a people's expectations rise in proportion to a country's successes.
How much should you stuff into your pack? That depends on your size and strength, but the rule of thumb is not to exceed 20% of your body weight.
So the rule of thumb is pretty straightforward: set the inline length as high as possible to get as many spatial values as possible to be stored inline.
The rule of thumb is: A slope that is flat enough to hold snow but steep enough to ski has the potential to generate an avalanche, regardless of the angle.
Many people follow the rule of thumb to save at least 10 percent of their income for retirement and another 10 percent for other goals, such as an emergency fund.
According to DSL Linux's Web site, the rule of thumb is to use this image when your host system was manufactured recently, like within the last five to six years.
The rule of thumb is that you should use the one method that best matches the collection type the application is waiting for, so that type conversions are avoided.
The rule of thumb used by zoologists is that a transmitter worn by a flying animal should weigh no more than a twentieth of the weight of the individual wearing it.
The rule of thumb to get your body clocks back in sync is about one day per time zone change, making it "very difficult for real road warriors to get acclimated, " Dr. Auger said.
In this paper, integral diode solar cell array for space use are presented. The forward voltage drop of the diode is related to its area and the rule of thumb equations are - given.
The rule of thumb is that GET requests should be used for all read-only information retrieval, while POST requests should be used for any operation that changes the application state.
Indeed, many economists expect Japan's economy to shrink again in the three months to September, which on the rule of thumb of two consecutive quarters of decline, would imply a recession.
So really, the rule of thumb if you think back to Scratch is — that any time you write a statement — — something that does something in one line of code — you generally need the semicolon there.
The rule of thumb is that you choose between 1.5 to 2 times the amount of RAM as the swap space, and you put this partition in a place that is quick to reach, like at the beginning or end of the disk.
The rule-of-thumb was that if you captured the marketplace first, or invented a new marketplace, it was almost impossible to lose your leadership position.
The length of time a person can wear a heel depends on the individual - a good rule of thumb is not to wear any shoe for more than an hour after your feet start to hurt.
If we really want to play the "Rule of Thumb", I have two recommendations to address your problem: scaling the system and tuning the queue of components.
The general rule of thumb is to always create a backup before beginning.
The general rule of thumb is to always create a backup before beginning.