When a homeless person is left to rot on a slab, the sanctity of life somehow gets trivialized.
This morning we want to draw several applications from it in the context of the Sanctity of life.
Lord, help us as a nation to repent of the sin of abortion, and help us as your children to guard and celebrate the sanctity of life.
Since the Suicide Act, the nation has become less paternalistic, less likely to think the sanctity of life trumps all else and more likely to think that personal autonomy does.
The Conservatives, with their traditional emphasis on the sanctity of family life, might not be obvious enthusiasts for the project.
It 's hard to avoid freezing cold and flying snow in life, but teacher, your sanctity and warmth give us the feeling of everlasting spring in our life.
Be willing to dissolve precious life rather in river water of the, also do not let the dust of the immoral world compromise the soul of oneself's sanctity.
On this day, churches across this country are reminded of the sanctity and dignity of life.
The attack on the sanctity and value of life.
Please deliver a verdict that says there is sanctity, not just to the life of a human being. But also the death.
Please deliver a verdict that says there is sanctity, not just to the life of a human being. But also the death.