The Monitor Model, especially its "comprehensible input hypothesis"and "affective filter hypothesis", is very helpful in our foreign language teaching and second language acquisition.
This paper mainly analyzes the different functions of attention, memory and thought in second language acquisition, and draws great inspiration in foreign language teaching from this research as well.
The article compares the first language acquisition with second language acquisition to illustrate that foreign language learning must emphasize memorisation, grammar, comparison and practice.
The research outcome is expected to be helpful to Chinese character cognition and teaching of foreign students' second language acquisition.
Foreign language teaching plays an important role in learner's second language acquisition and teacher talk is the key to organizing class and fostering students' communicative competence.
Fossilization is a common phenomenon in second language acquisition (SLA), which is also the hot issue in foreign language theoretical research.
Since metaphor, as a cognitive phenomenon, is pervasive, it is urgent for us to combine the metaphor theories in the second language acquisition and foreign language teaching.
隐喻是一种认知现象,在语言中随处可见,将隐喻与二语习得和外语教学结合起来迫在眉睫。 隐喻是一座桥梁,可以将教与学更加紧密地结合在一起。
Since metaphor, as a cognitive phenomenon, is pervasive, it is urgent for us to combine the metaphor theories in the second language acquisition and foreign language teaching.
隐喻是一种认知现象,在语言中随处可见,将隐喻与二语习得和外语教学结合起来迫在眉睫。 隐喻是一座桥梁,可以将教与学更加紧密地结合在一起。