NINETY years after it was written, “The Secret People” remains a good account of the national character.Foreign names and revolutionary concepts are still disliked, as they were by the heroes of G.
I ventured the idea that the secret of staying young was to mix with older people.
Many people denounced their neighbours to the secret police.
As James Pennebaker of the University of Texas notes in his book, The Secret Life of Pronouns, when people are feeling confident, they are focused on the task at hand, not on themselves.
Killy learned an important secret shared by many creative people: innovations don't require genius, just a willingness to question the way things have always been done.
He publicly attacked the people who've been calling for secret ballot nominations.
Now more and more people want to dive in the water to find the secret there.
When talking about the secret of his success, he said, "Many people have good abilities and many work very hard, but they may fail."
On the subway or in streets and restaurants, I always find some people staring at me and trying to take secret photos of me.
The secret lies in saying please and thank you, say local officials: people do not have to take tagged recycling bins, and can choose whether to enroll for rewards.
He said when people ask him the secret to success, "I say, number one, come to America.
And that's the secret about cheap people: they aren't necessarily cheap on all fronts. Some spring for education or vacations, or they're generous with others if not with themselves.
People magazine reports that the two were wed in a secret ceremony last night, and have already shipped off on their honeymoon!
Another possibility is that better-looking people are more confident, and that confidence is the secret of success in life.
While we may call it the 'First secret,' it is not really a secret, just something that not too many people can pinpoint.
This rather eclectic bunch is joined by about 75 other people, including former agents of the I.R.S., F.B.I., Secret Service and Interpol, and former prosecutors - all of whom work under Mr. Finn.
The World Cup is hitting stride and it's no secret that people are streaming video at work.
The secret is to hire great people, let them do what they do, don't interfere too much and then when they're great, take the credit.
The only other people who knew the secret were Joe and Bob.
People often ask me about the secret to this blog's success. “How did you get so many readers?” they ask. “How can I do the same?”
People often ask me about the secret to this blog's success. "How did you get so many readers?" they ask. "How can I do the same?"
Mezhgorye is a closed town in Russia which is believed to house people working on the highly secret Mount Yamantaw. The town was founded in 1979.
People often ask me about the secret to this blog's success.
It was so secret, that most of the local people were sure the object was just a telephone station.
Write a dramatic scene between two people in which each has a secret and neither of them reveals the secret to the other OR to the READER.
From the nearby offices, they are taking out secret papers, files on local people, even photos.
From the nearby offices, they are taking out secret papers, files on local people, even photos.