In the main the secret died with him. But it was revealed in many writings in his big box.
The judge later confirmed the existence of the code, and revealed that the Fibonacci sequence was indeed the secret to its solution.
I was startled to see he slapped his wife in the face when she revealed a family secret.
In recent months, the world saw a passion for the law of attraction as the "Secret" was revealed in the book and the movie. What lurks there behind this?
The world's biggest Mona Lisa has been unveiled just as the secret of her enigmatic smile was revealed for the first time.
When the 'secret' of the Colonel's blend of herbs and spices was revealed, we had to test the recipe - and then see if it could be bettered …
Remember when Nintendo showed Metroid Prime Trilogy to the press when it was still a secret and revealed the game through a press release days later?
Remember when Nintendo showed Metroid Prime Trilogy to the press when it was still a secret and revealed the game through a press release days later?