In order to increase the security performance, a novel encrypt algorithm is proposed.
On the other hand, simulated attacks are designed to verify the security performance of Physical Layer and the potential defects in security are mended.
To improve the security performance of DSP system, a novel security mechanism is designed, combining two security methods: AES bus encryption and data integrity checking.
Using this synchronous method, the system resource was saved, and because the transported signal was not a whole chaotic signal, the security performance of the system was improved.
An application example is given. Finally the security performance and anti-attack performance from both traditional block encryption algorithm and improved algorithm are analyzed and compared.
If you want to embed the access due to performance or security reasons, then you only need a service adaptor to access the function.
Using this setting, you can balance performance you want with the security you need.
Does the documentation show the interaction with the service registry, which certainly affects availability, performance and security?
The example however, does not take into account the more complex issues of security, internationalization, privacy, and performance that would be necessary in a such large scale application.
After three architecture reviews, it was clear that there were issues in the system design concerning performance, security, and management.
Even in the relatively small number of security configurations tested for the security discussions and performance comparisons in the articles of this series, I found several problems of this type.
The Homeland Security Department wants information about the availability of a commercial electronic performance management system for its human resources functions.
For performance or security reasons, an administrator can consolidate the repositories to a single private repository with IBM Packaging Utility.
Performance: How much overhead does the security handling add?
The federated trusted contexts feature provides users improved security, enhanced performance, and ease of administration.
Therefore, don't treat all messages and applications the same; otherwise, there is an unnecessary security tax levied on the overall system that affects performance and overall system usability.
Each instance also has its own configuration file, the Database Manager configuration file (DBM CFG) for instance level security, performance variables, and communication configuration.
For more information about the performance and security benefits of static SQL, see Resources.
It also contains the proficiency requirements such as performance, availability, security, internationalization, configuration, scalability, and flexibility requirements.
The performance cost of WS-Security can be substantial, and there are times when simple SSL point-to-point encryption can be a better solution.
WS - Security的性能成本是可观的,并且简单的ssl点对点加密有时是更好的解决方案。
The practitioner who is concerned with intuitive and correct behavior, performance, reliability, usability, availability, and security associated with the development environment
Croll focused on the solution deployment, security, performance and overall architectural characteristics of cloud-oriented solutions.
To ensure the maximum performance, memcached does not provide any form of security, either in authentication or encryption.
为了确保最佳性能,memcached 并未提供任何形式的安全性,没有身份验证,也没有加密。
Using WS-Security, on the other hand, causes some huge drops in performance.
Aside from tagging and traceability, consider adding the different automation, performance, security testing, and Web service testing tasks to your schedule and estimates.
A major part of the WS-Security performance cost comes from the wide use of asymmetric encryption.
WS - Security之所以常常伴随性能损失主要是因为大量使用了非对称加密。
Another way of cutting the performance cost of WS-Security is to offload the security processing onto specialized hardware.
降低WS - Security性能成本的另一种方法是将安全性处理转嫁给专门的硬件来完成。
The security context token optimizes performance similar to how traditional Web solutions use HTTP cookies for passing security context.
How long until the naysayers question RoR's performance, security, or production worthiness?
How long until the naysayers question RoR's performance, security, or production worthiness?