This is another example of the separation of concerns in JSF.
For example, suppose you know that you want the separation of concerns of Model-View-Presenter.
例如,假定您知道需要分离模型-视图-表示器(Model - View -Presenter)关注点。
It enhances our ability to express the separation of concerns necessary for a well-designed, maintainable software system.
This approach is a variation of the separation of concerns principle embodied in the Model-View-Controller architecture.
Part 2 introduced the ID-lists pattern to reduce the number of remote calls and still obey the separation of concerns pattern.
第2部分介绍了利用ID - lists模式减少远程调用的数量,并且还遵守分离关注点模式。
The creation of separate constraint and imported data element definition files leverages the Separation of Concerns design pattern.
按照 Separation of Concerns设计模式,将约束和导入的数据元素定义文件分隔开。
Figure 1 illustrates the separation of concerns concept by showing the flow of code between the development workstation to final production.
Web services can benefit from the separation of concerns inherent in a multi-tier architecture in much the same way as most dynamic Web applications.
The first fundamental statement discussed is the separation of concerns between SOA Governance and the governance enforcement attributed to Management function.
Besides the separation of concerns, that separation of WSDL port type from the WSDL binding in two documents allows for any number of bindings for a given port type.
In a typical Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) deployment, a number of layers are introduced to facilitate the separation of concerns and to assist in loose coupling.
Typically, you will use the separation of concerns principle when you plan how you will divide and structure your test code for application-under-test features and behaviors.
Furthermore, the XML forms Generator benefits from the separation of concerns that XForms encourage between the creation data instances and the creation of presentable forms.
The separation of concerns possible with SOA lets even a pilot project introduce SOA in a way that allows building expertise and verifies the business value, but doesn't disrupt major operations.
Its primary goal is to provide a simple model for building enterprise integration solutions while maintaining the separation of concerns that is essential for producing maintainable, testable code.
But that is the whole point of separation of concerns that we have discussed throughout these columns.
Keep separation of concerns by separating the interfaces from each other.
The service specification defines only external characteristics to maintain separation of concerns between the service consumer and service provider.
By the phrase separation of concerns we mean the use of different environments to control the flow of code and other files that make up a deployment release.
This approach is based on the principles of separation of concerns, refining iterative information but mainly on the exploitation of multiple specialized representations of the same model.
In fact, the kind of separation of concerns between objects in an OO language is much the same concept as for modules, except on a larger scale.
The latter method would increase maintainability even more through separation of concerns.
Information management in SOA, particularly EII, emphasizes separation of concerns between the services layer and the physical implementation of the data.
This yields a true separation of concerns, enabling the repurposing of software components.
As a result, the concept of separation of concerns is the foundation to the definition of the integration services.
The third principle of a modularity framework is the principle of separation of concerns.
Apache Cocoon: Download and get more information on this Web development framework built around the concepts of separation of concerns.
The more separation of concerns, the less testing of unchanged components of your page, and a lot easier way to update your Web pages.
This reduces the clutter in a class, ensures separation of concerns and offers compatibility with future versions of the relevant Roo add-ons.
One of the goals of leveraging an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) is separation of concerns.
利用企业服务总线(Enterprise Service Bus,ESB)的目标之一是关注事项分离。