The shadow play in Tongbai is one kind of opera in south Henan province.
Let's join the shadow play holiday camp and you will know more about it!
The traditional materials for images of the shadow play are leather or cardboard. The images are vivid and exaggerated, full of south Fujian flavor.
This paper makes detailed description and analysis of the shadow play performance-related votive ceremony in eastern Hebei Province and its activities.
There will be paint, there will be the shadow play puppets, there will be Beijing opera masks, there will be traditional string instruments, the Chinese knot work - the handwork that is done.
The closest thing to watching a film during ancient times was going to see a shadow play.
Let's walk on the Great Wall. Let's watch a shadow puppet play.
The hype behind “The Decision” created a shadow so large that it will be difficult for LeBron to play himself out of it.
Teenage boys play basketball in the shadow of a high school, damaged and closed for now, as camp residents do what they can to get on with their lives.
In his 1979 visit to the United States, which Kissinger labels "a kind of shadow play," Deng made a dramatically favorable impression.
He climbed to the tree top, ate theapples, took a nap under the shadow… he loved the tree and the treeloved to play with him.
Once the demands are translated into real purchase power and import power, they can play a vital role in driving the global economy out of the shadow of crisis.
The continuous play of sun and shadow on the rock layers creates an awesome display.
You study the narcissistic geysers, obsessed with his own shadow, all day long with a shadow play, tireless.
While a simple white form, the play of light & shadow across the oval changes throughout the day & night animating all spaces of the house.
I also knew that I wanted to play up the contrast of the bright exterior from the shadow generated by the shading canopies.
Shadow play, the audience is light or shadow?
"These lozenge-shaped panels present a spectacular play of light and shadow whenever there is sunshine," said the firm.
When the Shadow World play is finished, the players are reset back to their original appearances.
Tangshan shadow play troupe also has participated in the National Arts Festival and the display has won the award.
Sure. I am dressed like a typical character in the Guanzhong area's shadow play.
A reflective surface on the back of each panel creates a play of light and shadow.
When the sun sets, my classmates and I still play pool slapstick. Finally, the shore, and the evening's setting sun dragging our very, very long shadow. Happy swimming, I like!
Shadow Play is one of the earliest Chinese opera.
The facade is composed by lattice patterns alternated with vertical landscapes that filter the strong tropical sunlight into a pleasant play of light and shadow on the textured walls.
This film from a POV of a students who comes out of that village, presents a real state of Shadow-Play in the tradition arts.
This film from a POV of a students who comes out of that village, presents a real state of Shadow-Play in the tradition arts.