The Sherman Act issued in 1890 is the first Federal anti-trust act in the United States.
The Supreme Court has ruled that violations of the Sherman act also are violations of Section 5, but Section 5 covers some practices that are beyond the scope of the Sherman act.
Section Two of the Sherman act, passed in 1890, made it a felony to "monopolize, or attempt to monopolize"; 1914's Clayton act added price discrimination and other activities that reduced competition.
A law regulating the railroads was enacted in 1887 (Interstate Commerce act) and another, preventing large firms from controlling a single industry, in 1890 (Sherman Antitrust act).
According to the Justice Department, Apple violated the Sherman Antitrust Act when it worked with five major publishers to inflate the price consumers paid for books.
Established in the U. S. in 1890 by the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.
Established in the U. S. in 1890 by the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.