Of course, they were not just laughing at the sneeze, nor even at the twelve jokes.
The force of the sneeze shot the mitten up into the sky, and scattered the animal in all directions.
The interior is bright and clean, with solid-wood tables. You can see the entire food area behind the sneeze guards — no hidden kitchen.
In her constant crying, little squirrel shuffles only beginning to go home. However, the front door, a small squirrel on Ati Ati playing the sneeze.
Children are often taught in school the right way to cough or sneeze.
When people cough or sneeze, the germs spread widely, landing here and there.
Always wash your hands with running water and soap before you eat anything, after you use the bathroom and after you sneeze or blow your nose.
One sneeze can put as many as 40,000 droplets of saliva and mucus into the air.
You sneeze because you've got all these germs inside you and your body wants to get the germs out.
When you feel a sneeze or cough coming on, covering your mouth prevents the spread of germs.
The next time you cough or sneeze, there is good reason to cover your mouth.
Actually, it seems I pulled a trick question out of the mailbag this week, because we don't sneeze in our sleep at all.
However, since droplets from a sneeze can travel the length of a double-decker bus, and a cough can infect anyone within about a metre, this is not always possible.
A new monkey species in Myanmar is so snub-nosed that rainfall is said to makes it sneeze—but that's apparently the least of its problems, conservationists announced in October.
Although transmission by large droplets when people cough or sneeze is considered the major route of influenza spread, transmission via contaminated hands may be a contributing factor.
And if you're the one with the cold? Be polite — cover your mouth when you sneeze and wash your hands often to prevent spreading the virus.
Cup some water in your hand and pretend to sneeze on the back of someone’s head.
The motes ended up recording 762, 868 incidents when two people intermingled within 10 feet of each other – the maximum distance that a disease can be transmitted through cough or sneeze droplets.
From this point of view then, the reason why you sneeze when you have a cold is that your cold the cold virus is using your body as a tool to replicate itself.
Although the virus does not appear to be easily transmissible among humans, it could mutate into a form that is easily passed through a cough or sneeze.
Be altruistic: cover your mouth and nose with a disposable tissue when you cough or sneeze, bin the tissue immediately and, yes, wash your hands.
We mustn't have flowers on the table, Susan, because I understand they give her asthma. And pepper makes her sneeze, so we'd better not have it.
When infectious people cough, sneeze, talk or spit, they propel TB germs, known as bacilli, into the air.
So you're on line for a movie when the guy behind you lets loose a big, juicy [sneeze sound].
With all these sweet-smelling misty trees around she couldn’t sneeze, and who could cry with the golden apples of the Hesperides in her pocket?
Respiratory droplets-the medical community's polite term for what comes out of a person when they sneeze or cough-are filled with the germs that made the person sick.
Respiratory droplets-the medical community's polite term for what comes out of a person when they sneeze or cough-are filled with the germs that made the person sick.