Dear US, please drown their sole aircraft carrier and the game is over on the South China Sea issue.
What kind of discussions will Chinese and Philippine leaders have on the South China Sea issue tomorrow?
The Chinese side also reiterated its position regarding the South China Sea issue during the consultation.
Q: What kind of discussions will Chinese and Philippine leaders have on the South China Sea issue tomorrow?
Especially we have noticed that Australia has made some irresponsible comments on the South China Sea issue.
It is reported that recently more African countries have publicly voiced support to China's stance on the South China Sea issue.
We have to be clear about the possibility of the second option, so as to let Vietnam remain sober about the South China Sea issue.
Stressing that China has dealt with the South China Sea issue in a constructive way, Lu said the door for dialogue has always been open.
In the spirit of enhancing mutual understanding and mutual trust, the meeting also had thorough discussions on the South China Sea issue.
As a result, the United States three destroyers into the south China sea, heating, military purpose is to make the south China sea issue.
As for the South China Sea issue, we have expounded on our principled position on many occasions. The Australian side is clear about that.
China will be vigilant against Japan's interference in the South China Sea issue, its military return to the South China Sea in particular.
China's initiative of "pursuing joint development while shelving disputes" regarding the South China Sea issue was first addressed to the Philippines.
You once said that nearly 60 countries support China's position on the South China Sea issue. Can you give us a list of those countries for us to report?
This is the only way we will resolve the South China Sea issue, restore harmony, and bring about lasting peace, cooperation and prosperity to this region.
It is worth mentioning that the South China SEA issue is not one between China and ASEAN, even less representing the whole picture of China-ASEAN relations.
Q: Some experts are of the view that the us USES the South China Sea issue as a pretext for its return to Asia and attempts to cause troubles in this region.
On your second question, China and the US remain in contact at different levels on the South China Sea issue. The US is clear about China's principled stance.
In fact, China's initiative of "pursuing joint development while shelving disputes" regarding the South China Sea issue was first addressed to the Philippines.
Q: First, How do you comment on the recent statement by the Singaporean Foreign Ministry that expressed concern over China's position on the South China Sea issue?
I would like to reiterate that the US is not a party concerned to the South China Sea issue and should honor its commitment of not taking sides on relevant dispute.
It is hoped that the two countries can objectively view the historical records of the South China Sea issue, instead of ignoring facts and offering unconstructive advice.
Though Beijing and Hanoi's joint statement sought to rein in rhetoric on both sides of the border, some sections of the Vietnamese media are still pushing the South China Sea issue.
Though Beijing and Hanoi's joint statement sought to rein in rhetoric on both sides of the border, some sections of the Vietnamese media are still pushing the South China Sea issue.