In popular culture, it remains as much of a symbol of Seattle as the Space Needle, the persistent drizzle and the excellent, ubiquitous, coffee shops.
On our way to the Space Needle I was pulled over and promptly arrested.
The Space Needle, Seattle's symbol, offers a 360 - degree view from three different levels.
“People who are really nuts for this kind of thing don’t talk about lows and highs, they talk about the space of sound,” he says, dropping the needle on Miles Davis’s Sketches of Spain.
“People who are really nuts for this kind of thing don’t talk about lows and highs, they talk about the space of sound, ” he says, dropping the needle on Miles Davis’s Sketches of Spain.
Move over, Space Needle: Here come sky cities, futuristic buildings towering above the Earth.
来自Space Needle的消息:这是一些天空之城,地球上空矗立的未来建筑。
A research on the space electric field distribution of the electrostatic discharge needle installed on the aircraft was undertaken.
First, a local anesthetic is used to numb the skin above the injection site. Using X-rays, the needle is guided into the epidural space.
The picking mechanism of NF narrow fabric needle loom is composed of a plane four-bar linkage and a space RSSR linkage.
A needle dust as the model of the intergalactic dust is emploied, which is used to explain the reason why the supernova light tracks intergalactic space do not redden obviously.
The simplest explanation is that the epidural needle is not actually in the epidural space at the time of attempted spinal puncture.
The experiments as follows are done:(1) Space of magnetism sense organ and needle valve is measured.
X-ray guidance, called fluoroscopy, is used so the practitioner can visualize the needle going into the cervical epidural space.
It is marked by the towering Space Needle.
Objective To investigate the value of percutaneous needle aspiration biopsy (PNAB) under the guidance of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of space-occupying pancreatic lesions (SOPL).
This clearance space makes it possible to reduce the distance between the sinker (2) and the latch needle (3) or to reduce the wear between these two elements.
In addition, space for placing the bone fragment is left between the connecting arm, the inserting needle controller and the orifice positioning needle.
Dueling architectural icons-the World's Fair Space Needle and Frank Gehry's Experience Music project-fill the Seattle sky.
Dueling architectural icons-the World's Fair Space Needle and Frank Gehry's Experience Music project-fill the Seattle sky.