Despite having an excellent crop of computer geeks produced by the University of Texas at Austin, venture types fret that the city lacks managers to run its myriad spin-offs.
Afghan men buying and selling fruit watch a US-led patrol drive through the bazaar in the city of Wesh, located in Spin Boldak, Kandahar, Afghanistan.
坎大哈Spin Boldak区的Wesh市里,买卖水果的阿富汗男人们,看着由美军领头的巡逻车队经过集市。
The most improbable Hollywood twist in a franchise built upon them took another spin Thursday, an entire city now whirling in its wake.
Now the city has five backbone industries: spin costume, engine electric, electrommunication, metal goods, chemistry goods.
Associate Professor Farrelly said the logo would only live up to the City of Melbourne's spin if matched with events, beautification programs and increased safety.
1: Always and Forever: a spin-off of "the vampire Diaries" focuses on the original vampire family, who return to New Orleans to reclaim the city they helped build.
1: Always and Forever: a spin-off of "the vampire Diaries" focuses on the original vampire family, who return to New Orleans to reclaim the city they helped build.