As a responsible retailer, Walmart meets not only the letter, but also the spirit of the laws in the countries and communities in which we operate.
The preamble to the Laws of Cricket talks about “the spirit of the game”; their English custodians even hold an annual “Spirit of Cricket” lecture at Lord’s in London, the game’s home.
The pettiness of its laws is never more evident than in its condemnation of vice, the expression of carnal tragedy born from the presence of the spirit in the flesh.
That is to say, the dream is not a supernatural revelation, but is subject to the laws of the human spirit, which has, of course, a kinship with the divine.
The Celts believed all laws of space and time were suspended during this time, allowing the spirit world to intermingle with the living.
Today's laws do not protect the rights of a particular subject-specific tools, all of the main interests of the community need to be achieved is the modern spirit of the law.
According to the legislative spirit of the legislative laws, a districted city shall strengthen the local legislation work for work safety, and solve the extrusive regional problems of work safety.
This is not a surprise. Because when people know nothing about the basis of "spirit", how can they understand its laws, procedures and the complex forms of representation?
The higher mind thinks according to the laws spirit obeys, and therefore honours only the laws of God. To spirit getting is meaningless and giving is all.
Whether people follow the letter of the law or just the spirit of the law, they recognize the need for laws to keep order in society.
Montesquieu. The Spirit of Laws. Trans. Zhang Yanshen. Beijing: The Commercial Press, 1987.
Their unremitting spirit to pursue the truth showed their loyalty to the laws of instructional naturalness.
According to the relevant laws of our country, the injured party's spirit caused to damage by the criminal offence, the victim can't bring and compensate for the claims.
This paper will re-examine the transplantation of laws by sociology of law methodology, therefore we can understand that spirit of civil law is also critical to the transplantation of laws.
The difference lies in that, while the laws of nature are compulsory, the moral laws appeal to the will of a free and intelligent spirit.
Article 3 Judicial interpretations shall be formulated in accordance with the relevant laws and legislative spirit and on the basis of the actual demands of trial work.
Pure brewed because it is made in the spirit of the German beer Purity Laws, Rheinhetsgabot, without any treatments or brewing AIDS, using only malt, oats, hops, water and yeast.
Pure brewed because it is made in the spirit of the German beer Purity Laws, Rheinhetsgabot, without any treatments or brewing AIDS, using only malt, oats, hops, water and yeast.