At the same time, they can pass on knowledge to the neighbourhood, " said Jiao Zhiyan, one of the directors of the state Environmental Protection Administration."
The State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) handled 161 emergency environmental pollution incidents in 2006, of which 59 percent involved water pollution.
Others, including those from the State Environmental Protection Administration, argue that China needs to limit car use and move more quickly to tighten clean-air rules.
Article 3 the State environmental Protection Administration shall supervise and administer the prevention and control of environmental pollution by electronic waste across the country.
Actively responding to the call of "Eliminating ODS materials" by the UNDP and the State Environmental Protection Administration of China, the company has developed environment of the earth.
Chen's film, "the Promise" damaged the environment near a pristine lake shore in Shangri-la in southwest Yunnan Province, according to the State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA).
China's state Environmental Protection Administration of China during this period the state of the environment bulletin release.
Environmental function zoning in offshore Marine areas State environmental Protection Administration has completed the environmental function zoning programme of the offshore Marine areas.
The development of consequences assessment and forecast system for nuclear accidents for State Environmental Protection Administration follows the principles of maturity and practicality.
The development of consequences assessment and forecast system for nuclear accidents for State Environmental Protection Administration follows the principles of maturity and practicality.