Dear Annie: I've been a stay-at-home mom for the past five years, and I'm ready to go back to work.
I'm a stay-at-home mom to twochildren, ages 6 and 4, and I'm happily married to Michael, who is mhall119 forthose who lurk in the Ubuntu IRC channels.
Or maybe the guy you are dating expects you to be a stay-at-home mom if you get married, but you are more of a career woman.
The notice listed an age range — 34 to 38 — and assorted other demands, including that the woman agree to be a stay-at-home mom and that she be conservative.
Society's been quick to label the "stay at home mom" and the "working mother," but the "work at home mom" is rarely ever mentioned.
Society's been quick to label the stay at home mom and the working mother, but the work at home mom is rarely ever mentioned.
I was now assuming the role of a mother to my little brother, taking on all the responsibility of any stay at home mom.
If you intend on giving up your career to become a stay at home mom after marriage, the terms of your agreement can provide a financial safety net that you might not otherwise have.
Excellent and well worth the money if you are a stay at home Mom like me, (or even if you aren't) it's a great activity to work on daily with your child.
Unlike Beaver's stay at home mom, today, almost every mother works outside the home.
In the early sixties, the vast majority of all children had at least one sibling (if not more) and lived with both parents, one of whom was typically a stay-at-home mom.
In the early sixties, the vast majority of all children had at least one sibling (if not more) and lived with both parents, one of whom was typically a stay-at-home mom.