The Sung Dynasty contributed three great inventions to world civilization.
Speak of to come indeed is a joke, but this will never be a joke in the Sung Dynasty.
Wang An-shih's Reform could be viewed as the answer of the challenges that the Sung Dynasty was bound to face.
The deep research on region's economic of Sung can helps us to understand and grasp the economic history of the Sung Dynasty.
But raising of pet fish goes back to the early days of the Sung Dynasty in China, about 900 A.D., when they were raised in small bottles as house pets.
And, in this text, I try to describe the change of "Great power Idea" in the paintings of Sung Dynasty and two main backgrounds of the working of images.
Other notable temples include the Che Kung temple in Sha Tin in the New Territories, which is dedicated to a Sung Dynasty general;
The dynasty figure changes again and again, from the academy of Sung set out through the defense line of the gold.
The article has explicated the main instances of buddhist cultural communication between Chinese monks and Japanese monks during the period of Sung dynasty with the conclusion.
"Jingyan" system took on different features, especially in late Southern Sung Dynasty, after its combination with Lixue (a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Sung and Ming Dynasties).
Among his many translation works published, the recent ones include Songs of Sung Dynasty and An Introduction to the Pavilion of Prince of Tang.
在他众多的翻译作品中, 晚近的有《宋词英译》(台湾皇冠出版社出版)和《滕王阁序》等。
This article holds that Hebei province of the Northern Sung Dynasty although with a good foundation of the natural environment, the war and border-building impacted it obviously.
This article holds that Hebei province of the Northern Sung Dynasty although with a good foundation of the natural environment, the war and border-building impacted it obviously.