So the survivorship bias and the backfill bias would be much, much more of a problem in the hedge fund world.
So, we're talking about a group of funds that in aggregate probably produced somewhere in the low teens returns and he's got 11.7% per year combined survivorship bias and backfill bias.
Then if you adjust for survivorship bias, you end up concluding that the deficit wasn't .3% but the deficit was actually 2%.
One is survivorship bias in the Numbers.
Survivorship bias is the wrong estimation of fund performance due to the disappearance of some funds from the research sample.
This "survivorship bias" ignores the many traders whose losses from using charts drive them out of the market.
但这种“幸存者偏见(survivorship bias)”忽略了许多因为依靠图表分析遭受损失最终退市的投资者。
This "survivorship bias" ignores the many traders whose losses from using charts drive them out of the market.
但这种“幸存者偏见(survivorship bias)”忽略了许多因为依靠图表分析遭受损失最终退市的投资者。