Obama's call on Wall Street yesterday to support "the most ambitious overhaul of the financial system since the Great Depression" is welcome – but the devil, as ever, will be in the detail.
It does not, however, take account of the huge amounts of indirect support that aig-and the rest of the financial system-has received since 2008.
Resource strategy includes building the hospital information system, strengthen knowledge marketing management, support the construction of knowledge strategy as the core from financial affairs.
This paper expounds the specific characteristics of financial analysis in the light of computer accounting systems and deals with a financial decision support system used for financial analysis.
Be in charge of entire financial affairs system administration, administrative decision provides financial analysis and support to the company.
He is in charge of entire financial affairs system administration, and provides financial analysis and support on the administrative decision to company.
But, agricultural Insurance remains insufficient effective demand and supply shortage, lack of catastrophic risk protection system and the lack of financial and tax policies to support.
The realization of technological revolution depends on the support of financial system.
The fiscal budget management system and management structure of financial expenditure of funds affected the efficiency of the agricultural support.
What is the character of Chinese rural capital demands, and which kind of financial support system can satisfy the demands?
And the building of regional financial support system and regional financial cooperation platform is the prerequisite and foundation of regional financial cooperation.
It aims to support the construction of the monitoring system of financial early-warning. Section 3 demonstrates the work process of financial early-warning system and explains the components of it.
So it should be done to establish agricultural price market and orderly system increase the financial support of agriculture and effectively reduce the burden on peasants.
In the modern monetary society, allocation and optimization of resources need the support of financial system.
In the modern monetary society, allocation and optimization of resources need the support of financial system.